Information Due


By this time, you should have submitted all the pertinent details that we will need in order to get the invitation layout going. If you have questions on this, let me know —-

If you need the link to a form that will help you outline these details, click here.

design block


Your design process starts here! During this time, we will be designing the layout of your invitations — sketching, thinking, coordinating colors and fonts —- maybe even creating a custom monogram, crest or logo. This time block will allow for up to 3 rounds of proofs. Please provide feedback in a timely manner after proofs are sent, in order to stay on schedule. Thank You —

production, assembly, mail prep


Files will need to be approved by this date and during this time, they will be sent to our various print vendors for printing, edging, duplexing and any other process we might be using for your invitations.

We will receive them back from print, and do any other assembly or in-house printing, postage ordering or addressing necessary in preparation for these sweet suites to be ready for mailing!


By today, you should be able to submit your address list so we can begin the process of beautifully displaying them on their envelopes. I’m sure it will be a great relief to send this off after toiling over who to invite, not to mention gathering all of their mailing addresses(!!)

* TO NOTE: If we are planning on addressing in a Script font, or using hand-calligraphy - PLEASE be sure to spell out any and every word possible on your list vs. using abbreviations. This means, spell out all the state names —- also ‘Road, Street, Drive, Avenue’…and if you want to take it a step further, ‘Apartment’ and ‘Post Office Box’. The envelopes will look a lot more polished if you do this — as well as have a better chance at getting to their destination! (If we are printing in a Block Font, abbreviations are fine to leave if you’d prefer).

*ADDRESS TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD: If you should need guidance with your list and the way we prefer to receive it (as an excel document), you can download a template here.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for catching any errors within your list as it stands, though we do keep our eyes open and ‘if we see something, we say something’ ;-) . We will proof the printed envelopes against your list to make sure all have been ‘checked in’. Most importantly, a $150 charge will incur for any changes we have to make to your list from other formats in order to make it usable for us.

address List Due